Columns of Ancient Greece

Columns of Ancient Greece

Monday 2 June 2014

The Parthenon and the Acropolis

For the next few posts, we'll be writing about Arts and Architecture. The Ancient Greeks sure left a lasting impact when it came to the Arts!
The Parthenon is a temple built in honour of Athena in Athens. It is located in The Acropolis ( meaning High City) on the highest hill. In 1300 B.C.E around the late century, this Acropolis then had been where the king of Athens lived in and also where everybody went to defend themselves during the war.  After the Dark Ages, the Athenians had no more kings to rule the land and people. They had an oligarchy and so there was no king to live in the Acropolis. Instead, the Acropolis became so sacred the goddess Athena was awarded by the Athenians who built her a temple in the spot of the Acropolis. This temple was called the Parthenon.

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